Shipped Titles:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2023) Custom tech (c++, script)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2022) Custom tech (c++, script)
Call of Duty: Vanguard (2021) Custom tech (c++, script)

Joined in 2021 as Gameplay Engineer to work on Call of Duty: Vanguard. Onboarding to the team in the second half of Vanguard’s development I enjoyed a whirlwind tour of cod tech as a whole, assisting with bugs and tasks across the gamut of the Gameplay Engineering space.

On Vanguard I worked closely with the Design and Engineering teams, contributing to Enemy AI animation systems, AI combat/stealth gameplay, some UI implementation, and supported Audio and VFX teams with some implementation of FX, and more.


MW3: Open Combat Missions
It was also my pleasure to contribute to the Modern Warfare series, which has always been close to my heart. I was especially thrilled by the opportunity to contribute to the innovations surrounding ‘Open Combat Missions’